
Calamay from the island of Bohol can vary from extremely sweet to mildly sweet. It is distinctive for being sold inside halved smooth coconut shells (the mesocarp of coconuts, locally known as bagol or paya). These containers are then sealed shut with a characteristic red crepe paper (papel de japon). This type of packaging is known as Kalamay-hati (literally 'Half Kalamay').Basically, its composition is made up of well-milled glutinous rice, coconut milk, sugar plus chopped peanuts as optional. The milled rice is then poured into the half-heated coconut milk. Constant stirring is needed until the right consistency of stickiness is achieved. This what makes Calamay famous. Two hours of constant stirring over low fire is not a joke. It resembles the patience, dedication and hard work of every Boholanos.

Peanut  Kisses   
TAGBILARAN, BOHOL – Peanut Kisses remains a favorite pasalubong from Bohol, known worldwide for its Chocolate Hills. Peanut Kisses is Bohol’s own version of the very famous
Soon after, some enterprising Boholanos decided to make the Chocolate Hills an inspiration for the locally-made Peanut Kisses, which have become an instant hit among tourists and visitors.“Kisses” chocolates from the US.

Now aside from pictures, the tourists can actually taste the pride of Bohol in the miniature treats made from a sweet concoction of peanuts and egg white. This delectable treat then evolved from a simple delicacy to becoming an all-time favorite pasalubong locally and abroad since it was created.

About 40 years ago, Carolina Alvarez Butalid thought of maximizing the potential of their two-hectare of peanut plantation. Her family eventually decided to set up a company and mass produce the local treat after successfully experimenting on peanuts and eggs.

Tablea of bohol is made of cacao which they used in cooking of ''samporado'' it is not like other tablea has bitter taste. It's taste is like chocolate,sweet and  delicious. Affordable to buy if you visit bohol dont forget to buy this.


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